Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Knjaževac, SERBIA, 1st grade, teacher Gordana Janevska


Given that violence is unfortunately happening more and more often on the Internet, we decided to celebrate Safer Internet Day on February 6.
Violence does not always have to be only physical!

We joined the celebration of Safe Internet Day organized by CSI.hr.
Thanks for the long-term cooperation and wonderful ideas!
In the implementation of the "Balance" activity, we discussed how much time we spend playing video games, with whom and how we share personal data, as well as what we can do to avoid spending a lot of time in front of screens.

THINK: Always think before posting or sharing information online.
BE Polite: Always be kind to others online. Don't be a bully.
FRIENDS: Chat only with friends and people you know online.
SECRETS: Never keep a secret about who you talk to online.
SAY: Notify a responsible adult if your distress alarm is activated.

All the students circled a happy smiley face. We learned how to behave on the Internet (social networks), we only realized that we spend too much time on social networks and that in the future we will spend more time in nature, on the Internet we should think about what we post, to be polite, with friends (known) to we talk, we know who to turn to.

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