Friday, December 29, 2023

Knjaževac, SERBIA, 1st grade, teacher Gordana Janevska

 Writing greeting cards, parents' meeting, socializing - party

On the last day of the 2023/2024 school year. year, we wrote greeting cards for parents and other dear people.

Each of us wore a red blouse and some New Year's detail: a hat, a tie, glasses... we decorated the classroom in the spirit of Yajoi Kusama and we were impatiently waiting for our parents to join us. We hope that they will also appear in our style, so we agreed! At the appointed time, they appeared at the door. Joy, happiness, enthusiasm could be seen on all the faces in the classroom! First, we all took pictures, and then the teacher held a parent-teacher meeting. She distributed booklets and introduced the parents to the projects in which we are involved, wished us a happy New Year and Christmas holidays. When the teacher finished, we congratulated the parents on the holidays. On the same day, we sent a card to the address: TEMPUS FOUNDATION. At the end of the day, in the evening, the New Year's party began. During the party, the teacher's former students (V/2) also joined us. After the holidays, we will set up an exhibition in the school hall. We will share the joy of creation with other students, employees and parents who will visit our school. We were happy and excited, satisfied and proud of our work!

Some details from the New Year party!

Our older friends also joined us!


A card has arrived from a friend from Spain!

Joy and happiness!

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